Saturday, 16 February 2008

Positive and Negative

The negative side is that I've had a migraine since wednesday, which sucks. At least I haven't I had the sensitivity to light and sound that I usually get. On the other hand I had a meeting with my supervisors on thursday and was so spaced out on migraine medication that I'm having problems remembering what was said. I think I took notes but can't remember if I did and where I put them. The only thing I can remember is that I'm getting the internal/external examiners that I wanted and that they think the thesis as it stands is Research with a capital "R" - which can only be a good thing. Thankfully they email all the necessary information afterwards. The other negative thing was that the tv cablebox was playing up again, but that seems to have sorted itself (with a little judicious prodding of cables).

Annoyingly with the migraine I haven't been able to get as much as I would like done. I had conference abstracts that need to be finalised tomorrow, but hopefully that is in hand. I really need to get on with the editing/finalising of the supporting material... but all I can cope with at the moment is watching re-runs of Cold Case, CSI (varying types), America's Next Top Model and Project Runway - yes when I'm feeling like rubbish all I want to do is watch trashy American TV and eat chocolate. And I know that chocolate is not exactly the best thing to eat when you have a migraine, but I've had to give up drinking and coffee (coffee - my precious coffee) since wednesday and I have to draw the line at some point.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

You ought to tell me which trashy American shows (or movies) I should bring you from my lovely downtown shop. Gotta keep those grey cells from giving you headaches!